How to grow your countertop retail business using YouTube marketing
Have you ever seen a stone shop YouTube video that has 88,000 views? Me neither. However, I have seen a local construction company that did a video about countertops that does have 88,000 views in under 3 years. Just a tremendous amount of views.
This is where a guy, the owner of the company, talks about different countertop materials. Actually, he compares granite to quartz. Anyone of you could do a better job than he did, but he did it, posted it, and got 88,000 views.
Now, he made a little mistake. Below that video, he forgot to link up to his website, like you could put in the video description a link to your website and a lot more people would have visited his website and given him business. Critical mistake. You do not need to make that mistake.
And this is one of the questions that I was asked recently by a stone shop owner when we were talking about social media work for stone shops. And once I said yes, he asked me for specific examples and we talked about YouTube marketing.
Coming up with ideas for YouTube videos
So how do you actually use YouTube for business and how do you come up with ideas for videos?
It’s really a simple formula. Let me share it with you here. The formula is this, T-A-W-A plus distribution, plus re-target. T-A-W-A stands for “They Ask, We Answer,” which also happens to be the title of a great book written by a guy whose name eludes me at the moment but I highly recommend that you pick up a copy and read it.
It’s a bit lengthy but it’s phenomenal. It will really change the way that you think about growing your business and the reasons why you should be growing your business and how to grow your business through YouTube marketing, which is what we are talking about here.
That guy who records, I think his name is like John Bosher and the name of his company is Bosher Construction, that did the video where he explains the difference between granite and quartz, he just did that. He answered the question that many of his customers probably have asked.
So he records this video, gets 88,000 views. You can do the same thing. Record all of the questions that people ask you every day and then start creating videos. Post them on YouTube, get your content distribution for free.
How to generate new business on YouTube
Whoever gets to watch those videos, make sure that you set up an advertising campaign or ask another proficient marketing company to set up an advertising campaign on YouTube and other social media so that when somebody watches one of your videos, they later start seeing ads, because nobody will watch these videos for fun.
If they watch it, they have an interest in whatever it is that they sell. So if somebody is trying to understand the difference between granite, marble, and quartz, clearly they’re in the market looking for a countertop. You do want to show them some ads so when they are ready to buy, they’re talking to you rather than your competitors.
Common mistakes to avoid
Keep your videos very focused on whatever it is that people should know and do not try to sell in those original videos that you post on YouTube. The reason for that is people may back off when they see that you’re trying to sell. Ads are for selling. YouTube content like that is for educating. So you start building a bond or they start actually building a bond with you.
Now, once they start watching once again, you show them video ads on YouTube. You can show them the same ads on Facebook, Instagram, wherever because you can follow them on every channel that they go to, which is not very easy to set up but doable. If you have a shoestring budget, research it and learn how to do it yourself. You’ll make more mistakes that will take you longer to figure out. If you don’t have a shoestring budget, if you actually have a budget to hire a marketing company or you can contact us right now and we will show you how to do it.
Once again, the way that it works, you answer questions in videos, you post videos, somebody watches them, then you show them ads, videos. And from those ads you can link them to different pages where they’ll either call you or complete a form hopefully get to turn into your customers.
How to get more countertop buyers
Learn how successful stone shops use digital marketing to get more retail customers, increase their sales, improve cash flow and beef up profit margins.